Your contact person in Italy for communications
If you are an overseas company active on the Italian markets, or if you would like to strengthen your presence in Italy, you will be facing the question of finding a professional person to implement your communications and marketing strategies in the Italian context.
In order to implement your communications plans in Italy, it is important to find a native speaker with a good professional knowledge of the language, the culture and Italian markets, with whom you can build a long-term relationship based on mutual trust. Somebody who is interested in learning and sharing your working methods and your team’s objectives, who is at ease in an international setting, able to adapt communications materials to Italian, or to write and hold meetings with your Head Office in English.
Which added value can I offer your brand?
I can join your team as a consultant in order to create communications and content marketing in Italy.
I have a great deal of experience in this role as a result of various documentable collaborations with international companies from various sectors – most importantly fashion, textiles, mechanical engineering, legal services and also for companies in other markets, with different organisational models, of different size and with different objectives regarding marketing and communications.
I can bring to your team the value of a founded knowledge of the dynamics of the Italian market, the ability to adapt the tone of voice of your brand for your target market, and for the content and communications instruments you have chosen to develop.
I put my competence in professional writing as a copywriter and web writer in the Italian language at your disposal (also using English sources) for the writing and adapting of contents with a view to transcreation and localisation.
I come from the world of PR, I have experience in press offices for B2B and B2C and in the organisation of events, coordinating suppliers and consultants.
I relish the role of communications consultant because it permits me to measure myself against organisational and cultural contexts which vary greatly and are stimulating, putting to use my familiarity with the Italian market, my knowledge of the English language in speaking and writing, my ability to create original cross-media content and to manage communication activities both online and offline.
What can I do for you?
There is no one-size-fits-all for these types of services, so I collaborate on the basis of the requirements of the company I’m working with. For example, I can be the continuous point of reference for all your communication activities, with an agreed monthly number of hours, or collaborate with your company for individual activities such as translating and adapting for the Italian market Italian articles from your company’s blog, from newsletters, press releases and content for social media.
In general, the range of activities I offer includes:
- Press office for companies or products, on the occasion of fairs, events, product launches and services, also in coordination with the central PR office for your company,
- Digital PR,
- Writing from scratch texts of various types: press releases, speeches and talks for company meetings, brochures, newsletters, etc.,
- Development of original content for various channels (blogs, newsletters, social media) adapting the company tone of voice to each different channel,
- Translation and transcreation of content – also creative advertising messages, taglines, etc. – starting from the English original,
- Research on various topics, trend analyses for the Italian market and drafting of reports,
- SEO-oriented writing for websites or blogs,
- Consultancy in terms of identification, creation and evaluation of strategic marketing activities for Italy: fairs, local events, partners, influencers, strategic contacts,
- Creation and coordination of a team of the professionals necessary for your communications: web designers, SEO specialists, graphic and visual designers, social media managers, photographers, video makers, etc.,
- Compilation of periodic reports for activities performed.
How much does it cost?
As I offer consultancy which is personalised according to your company’s requirements, I invite you to contact me to agree a date for a get-to-know-you call, either in English or in Italian, to be able to better understand your needs and then formulate an ad hoc consultation programme.